Benefits to my business
Enhancing the experience from an off-pitch perspective…
When a player leaves your football pitch, the chances are that they won’t return until their next session. PlayCam’s interactive video replay service helps to retains the players interest and further improve the experience of playing at your facilities. Here’s how PlayCam can also help your venue:
Wider audience
Increased exposure
With links to thousands of frequent 5-a-side players across the UK. Our focus is to promote your venue, interact with your players and to highlight this unique recording service at your venue.
Unique selling point
Improving revenue
The PlayCam video replay service adds an extra enticement for your potential players to choose your venue over rivals. In turn, increasing your client base and Improving the revenue generation at your facilities.
Pitch protection
Safeguarding staff
Last year there were over five hundreds of reported cases of abuse and assault on football referees within the UK. Recording your games will add additional security to both your property and staff members.
For the player
Unique experience
Keeping ahead of the competition is tough, especially when competing with the larger franchises. PlayCam offers a unique feature that makes you stand out from your rival venues around you.